1.Download and install for Windows:

https://cc.cstcloud.cn/assets/download/cascloudmeet.exe COPY

(NOT support Windows XP and Windows8 system)

2.Download and install for Mac:

https://cc.cstcloud.cn/assets/download/cascloudmeet.dmg COPY

 Supporting 10.10 -10.15 versions(System upgrading is needed for 10.11.6 version)
 If it shows "科技云会“ is broken and can't be used,open the terminal in the Mac system,enter:
xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine /Applications/科技云会.app (Notice:/Applications is the default position of .app format files)(There is a blank space after com.apple.quarantine).
  For more details:

3.Scan QR code to download mobile client: